Scientific and Clinical Articles
MacPherson H. Why Acupuncture Is More Than Just Needling, and the Implications for Research. J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Sep;25(9):872–3.[Open Access]
Armour M, Smith CA, Wang L-Q, Naidoo D, Yang G-Y, MacPherson H, et al. Acupuncture for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2019 Jul 31;8(8). [Full text]
Hughes JG, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Witt CM, Cummings M, Fisher P. Assessment of the quality of reporting in studies of acupuncture for patients with cancer using the STRICTA guidelines. Acupunct Med. 2019 Jun 12; 37: 4: 223-227. [Link]
Mao JJ, Davis RT, Coeytaux R, Hullender-Rubin L, Kong J-T, MacPherson H, et al. Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain: Recommendations to Medicare/Medicaid from the Society for Acupuncture Research. J Altern Complement Med. 2019;25(4):367–9.[Link]
Witt CM, Vertosick EA, Foster NE, Lewith G, Linde K, MacPherson H, et al. The Effect of Patient Characteristics on Acupuncture Treatment Outcomes: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of 20,827 Chronic Pain Patients in Randomized Controlled Trials. Clin J Pain. 2019 May;35(5):428–34.[Link to article]
MacPherson H. Why Acupuncture Is More Than Just Needling, and the Implications for Research. J Altern Complement Med. 2019 Sep;25(9):872–3.[Open Access]
Armour M, Smith CA, Wang L-Q, Naidoo D, Yang G-Y, MacPherson H, et al. Acupuncture for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2019 Jul 31;8(8). [Full text]
Hughes JG, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Witt CM, Cummings M, Fisher P. Assessment of the quality of reporting in studies of acupuncture for patients with cancer using the STRICTA guidelines. Acupunct Med. 2019 Jun 12; 37: 4: 223-227. [Link]
Mao JJ, Davis RT, Coeytaux R, Hullender-Rubin L, Kong J-T, MacPherson H, et al. Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain: Recommendations to Medicare/Medicaid from the Society for Acupuncture Research. J Altern Complement Med. 2019;25(4):367–9.[Link]
Witt CM, Vertosick EA, Foster NE, Lewith G, Linde K, MacPherson H, et al. The Effect of Patient Characteristics on Acupuncture Treatment Outcomes: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of 20,827 Chronic Pain Patients in Randomized Controlled Trials. Clin J Pain. 2019 May;35(5):428–34.[Link to article]
Svenkerud S, MacPherson H. The impact of STRICTA and CONSORT on reporting of randomised control trials of acupuncture: a systematic methodological evaluation. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2018: 36: 349-357. doi: 10.1136/acupmed-2017-011519. [Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Morris R, Feder G, Little P, Hollinghurst S, Mercer SW, MacPherson H. Complementary medicine use, views, and experiences: a national survey in England. BJGP Open. 2018 Nov 13;bjgpopen18X101614.[Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Feder G, Little P, Hollinghurst S, Mercer S, MacPherson H. ‘Trying to put a square peg into a round hole’: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ views of integrating complementary medicine into primary care for musculoskeletal and mental health comorbidity. BMC Complement Altern Med [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 1];18. [Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Little P, Mercer SW, Hollinghurst S, Feder G, MacPherson H. Complementary medicine and the NHS: Experiences of integration with UK primary care. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Dec 1;24:8–16.[Abstract, Full text]
Lorenc A, Feder G, MacPherson H, Little P, Mercer SW, Sharp D. Scoping review of systematic reviews of complementary medicine for musculoskeletal and mental health conditions. BMJ Open. 2018 Oct 1;8(10):e020222. [Open Access]
Hughes J, Cummings M, Filshie J, Kassab S, Leng G, Mackereth P, MacPherson H, et al. Ensuring model validity in a feasibility study of acupuncture to improve quality of life in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Aug 1;21:50–2.[Abstract, Full Text]
Vickers AJ, Vertosick EA, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, Sherman KJ, et al. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Update of an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. J Pain. 2018 19(5): 455-474 [Abstract, Full Text]
Allan FK, Peckham E, Liu J, Dietz KC, Zhang T, Arakaki A, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for anxiety in dental patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Jun 1;20:22–35.[Abstract, Full Text]
Wenham A, Atkin K, Woodman J, Ballard K, MacPherson H. Self-efficacy and embodiment associated with Alexander Technique lessons or with acupuncture sessions: A longitudinal qualitative sub-study within the ATLAS trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 May 1;31:308–14.[Open Access]
Woodman J, Ballard K, Hewitt C, MacPherson H. Self-efficacy and self-care-related outcomes following Alexander Technique lessons for people with chronic neck pain in the ATLAS randomised, controlled trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;17(Supplement C):64–71.[Open Access]
Svenkerud S, MacPherson H. The impact of STRICTA and CONSORT on reporting of randomised control trials of acupuncture: a systematic methodological evaluation. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2018: 36: 349-357. doi: 10.1136/acupmed-2017-011519. [Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Morris R, Feder G, Little P, Hollinghurst S, Mercer SW, MacPherson H. Complementary medicine use, views, and experiences: a national survey in England. BJGP Open. 2018 Nov 13;bjgpopen18X101614.[Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Feder G, Little P, Hollinghurst S, Mercer S, MacPherson H. ‘Trying to put a square peg into a round hole’: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ views of integrating complementary medicine into primary care for musculoskeletal and mental health comorbidity. BMC Complement Altern Med [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 1];18. [Open Access]
Sharp D, Lorenc A, Little P, Mercer SW, Hollinghurst S, Feder G, MacPherson H. Complementary medicine and the NHS: Experiences of integration with UK primary care. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Dec 1;24:8–16.[Abstract, Full text]
Lorenc A, Feder G, MacPherson H, Little P, Mercer SW, Sharp D. Scoping review of systematic reviews of complementary medicine for musculoskeletal and mental health conditions. BMJ Open. 2018 Oct 1;8(10):e020222. [Open Access]
Hughes J, Cummings M, Filshie J, Kassab S, Leng G, Mackereth P, MacPherson H, et al. Ensuring model validity in a feasibility study of acupuncture to improve quality of life in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Aug 1;21:50–2.[Abstract, Full Text]
Vickers AJ, Vertosick EA, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, Sherman KJ, et al. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Update of an Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis. J Pain. 2018 19(5): 455-474 [Abstract, Full Text]
Allan FK, Peckham E, Liu J, Dietz KC, Zhang T, Arakaki A, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for anxiety in dental patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Integr Med. 2018 Jun 1;20:22–35.[Abstract, Full Text]
Wenham A, Atkin K, Woodman J, Ballard K, MacPherson H. Self-efficacy and embodiment associated with Alexander Technique lessons or with acupuncture sessions: A longitudinal qualitative sub-study within the ATLAS trial. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 May 1;31:308–14.[Open Access]
Woodman J, Ballard K, Hewitt C, MacPherson H. Self-efficacy and self-care-related outcomes following Alexander Technique lessons for people with chronic neck pain in the ATLAS randomised, controlled trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;17(Supplement C):64–71.[Open Access]
Essex H, Parrott S, Atkin K, Ballard K, Bland M, Eldred J, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Richmond S, Tilbrook, H, Togerson D, Watt I, Wenham A, Woodman J, MacPherson H. An economic evaluation of Alexander Technique lessons or acupuncture sessions for patients with chronic neck pain: A randomized trial (ATLAS). PLoS ONE. 2017;12(12):e0178918.[Open Access]
MacPherson H. NICE for Some Interventions, But Not So NICE for Others: Questionable Guidance on Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis and Low-Back Pain. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr;23(4):247–8.[Full text]
Woods B, Manca A, Weatherly H, Saramago P, Sideris E, Giannopoulou C, Rice S, Corbett M, Vickers A, Bowes M, MacPherson H, Sculpher M. Cost-effectiveness of adjunct non-pharmacological interventions for osteoarthritis of the knee. PLOS ONE. 2017 Mar 7;12(3):e0172749.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Elliot B, Hopton A, Lansdown H, Birch S, Hewitt C. Lifestyle Advice and Self-Care Integral to Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with Chronic Neck Pain: Secondary Analysis of Outcomes Within a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar;23(3):180–7.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Vickers A, Bland M, Torgerson D, Corbett M, Spackman E, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain and depression in primary care: a programme of research. NIHR Journals Library; 2017 5 (3). [Abstract] [Full Report - Open Access].
MacPherson H, Vertosick EA, Foster NE, Lewith G, Linde K, Sherman KJ, et al. The persistence of the effects of acupuncture after a course of treatment: a meta-analysis of patients with chronic pain. Pain. 2017 May;158(5):784–93.[Full text]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Agbedjro D, Buckley H, Hewitt C, Frost C. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: 2-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Acupunct Med. 2017 Mar;35(1):17–23. [Open Access]
Essex H, Parrott S, Atkin K, Ballard K, Bland M, Eldred J, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Richmond S, Tilbrook, H, Togerson D, Watt I, Wenham A, Woodman J, MacPherson H. An economic evaluation of Alexander Technique lessons or acupuncture sessions for patients with chronic neck pain: A randomized trial (ATLAS). PLoS ONE. 2017;12(12):e0178918.[Open Access]
MacPherson H. NICE for Some Interventions, But Not So NICE for Others: Questionable Guidance on Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis and Low-Back Pain. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Apr;23(4):247–8.[Full text]
Woods B, Manca A, Weatherly H, Saramago P, Sideris E, Giannopoulou C, Rice S, Corbett M, Vickers A, Bowes M, MacPherson H, Sculpher M. Cost-effectiveness of adjunct non-pharmacological interventions for osteoarthritis of the knee. PLOS ONE. 2017 Mar 7;12(3):e0172749.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Elliot B, Hopton A, Lansdown H, Birch S, Hewitt C. Lifestyle Advice and Self-Care Integral to Acupuncture Treatment for Patients with Chronic Neck Pain: Secondary Analysis of Outcomes Within a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar;23(3):180–7.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Vickers A, Bland M, Torgerson D, Corbett M, Spackman E, et al. Acupuncture for chronic pain and depression in primary care: a programme of research. NIHR Journals Library; 2017 5 (3). [Abstract] [Full Report - Open Access].
MacPherson H, Vertosick EA, Foster NE, Lewith G, Linde K, Sherman KJ, et al. The persistence of the effects of acupuncture after a course of treatment: a meta-analysis of patients with chronic pain. Pain. 2017 May;158(5):784–93.[Full text]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Agbedjro D, Buckley H, Hewitt C, Frost C. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: 2-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Acupunct Med. 2017 Mar;35(1):17–23. [Open Access]
Southern C, Lloyd C, Liu J, Wang C, Zhang T, Bland M, MacPherson H. Acupuncture as an intervention to reduce alcohol dependency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chin Med. 2016;11:49.
Keding A, Brabyn S, MacPherson H, Richmond SJ, Torgerson DJ. Text message reminders to improve questionnaire response rates. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016, Jun 15; 79: 90-95. [Abstract]
Saramago P, Woods B, Weatherly H, Manca A, Sculpher M, Khan K, Vickers AJ, and MacPherson H. Methods for network meta-analysis of continuous outcomes using individual patient data: a case study in acupuncture for chronic pain. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2016, Dec;16: 131. [Open Access]
Bradbury K, Al-Abbadey M, Carnes D, Dimitrov BD, Eardley S, Fawkes C, Foster J, Greville-Harris M, Harvey JM, Leach J, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Roberts L, Parry L, Yardley L, Bishop FL. Non-specific mechanisms in orthodox and CAM management of low back pain (MOCAM): theoretical framework and protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2016 May 27;6(5):e012209. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012209.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Coeytaux RR, Davis RT, Harris RE, Kong JT, Langevin HM, Lao L, Milley RJ, Napadow V, Schnyer RN, Stener-Victorin E, Witt CM, Wayne PM. Unanticipated Insights into Biomedicine from the Study of Acupuncture. J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Feb;22(2):101-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2015.0184. Epub 2016 Jan 8.[Full text]
Southern C, Lloyd C, Liu J, Wang C, Zhang T, Bland M, MacPherson H. Acupuncture as an intervention to reduce alcohol dependency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chin Med. 2016;11:49.
Keding A, Brabyn S, MacPherson H, Richmond SJ, Torgerson DJ. Text message reminders to improve questionnaire response rates. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016, Jun 15; 79: 90-95. [Abstract]
Saramago P, Woods B, Weatherly H, Manca A, Sculpher M, Khan K, Vickers AJ, and MacPherson H. Methods for network meta-analysis of continuous outcomes using individual patient data: a case study in acupuncture for chronic pain. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2016, Dec;16: 131. [Open Access]
Bradbury K, Al-Abbadey M, Carnes D, Dimitrov BD, Eardley S, Fawkes C, Foster J, Greville-Harris M, Harvey JM, Leach J, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Roberts L, Parry L, Yardley L, Bishop FL. Non-specific mechanisms in orthodox and CAM management of low back pain (MOCAM): theoretical framework and protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2016 May 27;6(5):e012209. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012209.[Open Access]
MacPherson H, Hammerschlag R, Coeytaux RR, Davis RT, Harris RE, Kong JT, Langevin HM, Lao L, Milley RJ, Napadow V, Schnyer RN, Stener-Victorin E, Witt CM, Wayne PM. Unanticipated Insights into Biomedicine from the Study of Acupuncture. J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Feb;22(2):101-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2015.0184. Epub 2016 Jan 8.[Full text]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Richmond S, Woodman J, Ballard K, Atkin K, Bland M, Eldred J, Essex H, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Parrott S, Torgerson D, Wenham A, Watt I. Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Nov 3;163(9):653-62. doi: 10.7326/M15-0667.[Abstract]
MacPherson H, Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Youping L, Taixiang W, White A, et al. Revised Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT statement. Acupuncture and Related Therapies. 2015 Dec;3(4):35–46. [Full text]
Keding A, Böhnke JR, Croudace TJ, Richmond SJ, MacPherson H. Validity of single item responses to short message service texts to monitor depression: an mHealth sub-study of the UK ACUDep trial. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2015 Jul 30;15:56. doi: 10.1186/s12874-015-0054-6.[Full free text]
Eldred J, Hopton A, Donnison E, Woodman J, MacPherson H. Teachers of the Alexander Technique in the UK and the people who take their lessons: A national cross-sectional survey. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Jun;23(3):451–61.[Abstract]
Richmond SJ, Keding A, Hover M, Gabe R, Cross B, Torgerson D, MacPherson H. Feasibility, acceptability and validity of SMS text messaging for measuring change in depression during a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15(1). [Full free text]
Tilbrook HE, Becque T, Buckley H, MacPherson H, Bailey M, Torgerson DJ. Randomized trial within a trial of yellow “post-it notes” did not improve questionnaire response rates among participants in a trial of treatments for neck pain. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Apr;21(2):202–4. [Abstract]
Prady SL, Burch J, Vanderbloemen L, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Measuring expectations of benefit from treatment in acupuncture trials: A systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Apr;23(2):185–99. [Abstract]
Langevin HM, Schnyer R, MacPherson H, Davis R, Harris RE, Napadow V, et al. Manual and electrical needle stimulation in acupuncture research: pitfalls and challenges of heterogeneity. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Mar;21(3):113–28.[Full free text]
Perren S, Richmond S, MacPherson H. The human face of an RCT: Reflections on providing counselling for clients with moderate to severe depression in a randomised controlled trial. Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal. 2015 Jan;8–13. [Full free text]
MacPherson H, Newbronner L, Chamberlain R, Hopton A. Patients’ experiences and expectations of chiropractic care: a national cross-sectional survey. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2015;23(1):3.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Richmond S, Woodman J, Ballard K, Atkin K, Bland M, Eldred J, Essex H, Hewitt C, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Parrott S, Torgerson D, Wenham A, Watt I. Alexander Technique Lessons or Acupuncture Sessions for Persons With Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Nov 3;163(9):653-62. doi: 10.7326/M15-0667.[Abstract]
MacPherson H, Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Youping L, Taixiang W, White A, et al. Revised Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT statement. Acupuncture and Related Therapies. 2015 Dec;3(4):35–46. [Full text]
Keding A, Böhnke JR, Croudace TJ, Richmond SJ, MacPherson H. Validity of single item responses to short message service texts to monitor depression: an mHealth sub-study of the UK ACUDep trial. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2015 Jul 30;15:56. doi: 10.1186/s12874-015-0054-6.[Full free text]
Eldred J, Hopton A, Donnison E, Woodman J, MacPherson H. Teachers of the Alexander Technique in the UK and the people who take their lessons: A national cross-sectional survey. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Jun;23(3):451–61.[Abstract]
Richmond SJ, Keding A, Hover M, Gabe R, Cross B, Torgerson D, MacPherson H. Feasibility, acceptability and validity of SMS text messaging for measuring change in depression during a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15(1). [Full free text]
Tilbrook HE, Becque T, Buckley H, MacPherson H, Bailey M, Torgerson DJ. Randomized trial within a trial of yellow “post-it notes” did not improve questionnaire response rates among participants in a trial of treatments for neck pain. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Apr;21(2):202–4. [Abstract]
Prady SL, Burch J, Vanderbloemen L, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Measuring expectations of benefit from treatment in acupuncture trials: A systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Apr;23(2):185–99. [Abstract]
Langevin HM, Schnyer R, MacPherson H, Davis R, Harris RE, Napadow V, et al. Manual and electrical needle stimulation in acupuncture research: pitfalls and challenges of heterogeneity. J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Mar;21(3):113–28.[Full free text]
Perren S, Richmond S, MacPherson H. The human face of an RCT: Reflections on providing counselling for clients with moderate to severe depression in a randomised controlled trial. Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal. 2015 Jan;8–13. [Full free text]
MacPherson H, Newbronner L, Chamberlain R, Hopton A. Patients’ experiences and expectations of chiropractic care: a national cross-sectional survey. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2015;23(1):3.[Free full text]
Witt CM, Aickin M, Cherkin D, Che CT, Elder C, Flower A, Hammerschlag R, Liu JP, Lao L, Phurrough S, Ritenbaugh C, Rubin LH, Schnyer R, Wayne PM, Withers SR, Zhao-Xiang B, Young J, Berman BM, Bensousssan A, Brinkhaus B, Cardni F, Chen K, Lewith G, Linde K, MacPherson H, Nahin RL, Weissbereg J. Effectiveness guidance document (EGD) for Chinese medicine trials: a consensus document. Trials, 15 (1) p 169. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-169.[Free full text]
Spackman E, Richmond S, Sculpher M, Bland M, Brealey S, Gabe R, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Perren S, Torgerson D, Watt I, MacPherson H. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Acupuncture, Counselling and Usual Care in Treating Patients with Depression: The Results of the ACUDep Trial. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(11):e113726.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Newbronner L, Chamberlain R, Richmond SJ, Lansdown H, Perren S, et al. Practitioner Perspectives on Strategies to Promote Longer-Term Benefits of Acupuncture or Counselling for Depression: A Qualitative Study. PLoS ONE. 2014 Sep 8;9(9):e104077. [Free full text]
Frost R, O’Meara S, MacPherson H. The external use of comfrey: A practitioner survey. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2014;20(4):347–55.[Abstract]
MacPherson H. Acupuncture for depression: state of the evidence. Acupunct Med. 2014;32(4):304–5. .[Link to access]
Brabyn S, Adamson J, MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Torgerson DJ. Short message service text messaging was feasible as a tool for data collection in a trial of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014 Jun 24; 67(9): 993-1000.[Abstract]
Hopton A, Eldred J, MacPherson H. Patients’ experiences of acupuncture and counselling for depression and comorbid pain: a qualitative study nested within a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2014;4(6):e005144. [Free full text]
Dascanio V, Birks Y, Clark L, Fairhurst C, MacPherson H, Torgerson DJ. Randomized cohort trial was shown to be feasible for evaluating treatments in low back pain. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2014;67(8):940–6.[Abstract]
Hopton A, MacPherson H, Keding A, Morley S. Acupuncture, counselling or usual care for depression and comorbid pain: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2014;4(5):e004964. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004964.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Vertosick E, Lewith G, Linde K, Sherman KJ, Witt CM, Vickers AJ; Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration. Influence of control group on effect size in trials of acupuncture for chronic pain: a secondary analysis of an individual patient data meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 4;9(4):e93739. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093739. [Free full text]
Prady SL, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Problems caused by heterogeneity in meta-analysis: a case study of acupuncture trials. Acupunct Med. 2014 Feb;32(1):56–61. [Abstract]
Boon H, MacPherson H, Robinson N. Recent research shows maturity in addressing safety issues associated with CAM therapies. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2014 Aug;6(4):401–3.[Free full text]
Nielsen A, MacPherson H, Alraek T. Acupuncture for military personnel health and performance. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 May;20(5):417–8. [Full text]
MacPherson H. Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA). Chapter 15 in Guidelines for Reporting Health Research: A User’s Manual [Internet]. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2014, p. 147–55. [Access]
Witt CM, Aickin M, Cherkin D, Che CT, Elder C, Flower A, Hammerschlag R, Liu JP, Lao L, Phurrough S, Ritenbaugh C, Rubin LH, Schnyer R, Wayne PM, Withers SR, Zhao-Xiang B, Young J, Berman BM, Bensousssan A, Brinkhaus B, Cardni F, Chen K, Lewith G, Linde K, MacPherson H, Nahin RL, Weissbereg J. Effectiveness guidance document (EGD) for Chinese medicine trials: a consensus document. Trials, 15 (1) p 169. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-169.[Free full text]
Spackman E, Richmond S, Sculpher M, Bland M, Brealey S, Gabe R, Hopton A, Keding A, Lansdown H, Perren S, Torgerson D, Watt I, MacPherson H. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Acupuncture, Counselling and Usual Care in Treating Patients with Depression: The Results of the ACUDep Trial. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(11):e113726.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Newbronner L, Chamberlain R, Richmond SJ, Lansdown H, Perren S, et al. Practitioner Perspectives on Strategies to Promote Longer-Term Benefits of Acupuncture or Counselling for Depression: A Qualitative Study. PLoS ONE. 2014 Sep 8;9(9):e104077. [Free full text]
Frost R, O’Meara S, MacPherson H. The external use of comfrey: A practitioner survey. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2014;20(4):347–55.[Abstract]
MacPherson H. Acupuncture for depression: state of the evidence. Acupunct Med. 2014;32(4):304–5. .[Link to access]
Brabyn S, Adamson J, MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Torgerson DJ. Short message service text messaging was feasible as a tool for data collection in a trial of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014 Jun 24; 67(9): 993-1000.[Abstract]
Hopton A, Eldred J, MacPherson H. Patients’ experiences of acupuncture and counselling for depression and comorbid pain: a qualitative study nested within a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2014;4(6):e005144. [Free full text]
Dascanio V, Birks Y, Clark L, Fairhurst C, MacPherson H, Torgerson DJ. Randomized cohort trial was shown to be feasible for evaluating treatments in low back pain. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2014;67(8):940–6.[Abstract]
Hopton A, MacPherson H, Keding A, Morley S. Acupuncture, counselling or usual care for depression and comorbid pain: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2014;4(5):e004964. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004964.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Vertosick E, Lewith G, Linde K, Sherman KJ, Witt CM, Vickers AJ; Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration. Influence of control group on effect size in trials of acupuncture for chronic pain: a secondary analysis of an individual patient data meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 4;9(4):e93739. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093739. [Free full text]
Prady SL, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Problems caused by heterogeneity in meta-analysis: a case study of acupuncture trials. Acupunct Med. 2014 Feb;32(1):56–61. [Abstract]
Boon H, MacPherson H, Robinson N. Recent research shows maturity in addressing safety issues associated with CAM therapies. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2014 Aug;6(4):401–3.[Free full text]
Nielsen A, MacPherson H, Alraek T. Acupuncture for military personnel health and performance. J Altern Complement Med. 2014 May;20(5):417–8. [Full text]
MacPherson H. Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA). Chapter 15 in Guidelines for Reporting Health Research: A User’s Manual [Internet]. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2014, p. 147–55. [Access]
Frost R, MacPherson H, O’Meara S. A critical scoping review of external uses of comfrey (Symphytum spp.). Complement Ther Med. 2013 Dec;21(6):724–45.[Abstract]
MacPherson H, Maschino AC, Lewith G, Foster NE, Witt C, Vickers AJ, et al. Characteristics of acupuncture treatment associated with outcome: an individual patient meta-analysis of 17,922 patients with chronic pain in randomised controlled trials. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(10):e77438.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Richmond S, Bland, Brealey S, Gabe R, et al. Acupuncture and Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: A randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS Medicine, 2013; 10(9): e1001518.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Elliot B, Hopton A, Lansdown H, Richmond S. Acupuncture for Depression: Patterns of diagnosis and Treatment within a Randomised Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 286048.[Free full text]
Corbett MS, Rice SJC, Madurasinghe V, Slack R, Fayter DA, Harden M, Sutton AJ, MacPherson H, Woolacott NF. Acupuncture and other physical treatments for the relief of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee: network meta-analysis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2013; 21(9):1290–8.[Free full text]
Richmond SJ, Gunadasa S, Bland M, MacPherson H. Copper Bracelets and Magnetic Wrist Straps for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects: A Randomised Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Crossover Trial. Eldabe S, editor. PLoS ONE. 2013, 16; 8(9): e71529.
MacPherson H, Tilbrook HE, Richmond SJ, Atkin K, Ballard K, Bland M, et al. Alexander Technique Lessons, Acupuncture Sessions or usual care for patients with chronic neck pain (ATLAS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2013 Jul 10;14(1):209.[Free full Text]
Prady SL, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Controlling practitioner-patient relationships in acupuncture trials: a systematic review and meta-regression. Acupuncture in Medicine 2013; 31(2): 162-171. [Abstract]
Vickers AJ, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sherman KJ, Witt CM; Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration. Responses to the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration individual patient data meta-analysis. Acupunct Med. 2013 Mar;31(1):98-100. doi: 10.1136/acupmed-2013-010312.[Abstract]
Hopton A, Thomas K, MacPherson H. The Acceptability of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Study of Patient’s Experiences Nested within a Randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE. 2013 Feb 21;8(2):e56806. [Full free text]
Prady S, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Insufficient evidence to determine the impact of patient preferences on clinical outcomes in acupuncture trials: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2013; 66(3): 308-318. [Abstract]
Frost R, MacPherson H, O’Meara S. A critical scoping review of external uses of comfrey (Symphytum spp.). Complement Ther Med. 2013 Dec;21(6):724–45.[Abstract]
MacPherson H, Maschino AC, Lewith G, Foster NE, Witt C, Vickers AJ, et al. Characteristics of acupuncture treatment associated with outcome: an individual patient meta-analysis of 17,922 patients with chronic pain in randomised controlled trials. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(10):e77438.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Richmond S, Bland, Brealey S, Gabe R, et al. Acupuncture and Counselling for Depression in Primary Care: A randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS Medicine, 2013; 10(9): e1001518.[Free full text]
MacPherson H, Elliot B, Hopton A, Lansdown H, Richmond S. Acupuncture for Depression: Patterns of diagnosis and Treatment within a Randomised Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 286048.[Free full text]
Corbett MS, Rice SJC, Madurasinghe V, Slack R, Fayter DA, Harden M, Sutton AJ, MacPherson H, Woolacott NF. Acupuncture and other physical treatments for the relief of pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee: network meta-analysis. Osteoarthr Cartil. 2013; 21(9):1290–8.[Free full text]
Richmond SJ, Gunadasa S, Bland M, MacPherson H. Copper Bracelets and Magnetic Wrist Straps for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects: A Randomised Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Crossover Trial. Eldabe S, editor. PLoS ONE. 2013, 16; 8(9): e71529.
MacPherson H, Tilbrook HE, Richmond SJ, Atkin K, Ballard K, Bland M, et al. Alexander Technique Lessons, Acupuncture Sessions or usual care for patients with chronic neck pain (ATLAS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2013 Jul 10;14(1):209.[Free full Text]
Prady SL, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Controlling practitioner-patient relationships in acupuncture trials: a systematic review and meta-regression. Acupuncture in Medicine 2013; 31(2): 162-171. [Abstract]
Vickers AJ, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sherman KJ, Witt CM; Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration. Responses to the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration individual patient data meta-analysis. Acupunct Med. 2013 Mar;31(1):98-100. doi: 10.1136/acupmed-2013-010312.[Abstract]
Hopton A, Thomas K, MacPherson H. The Acceptability of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Study of Patient’s Experiences Nested within a Randomised Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE. 2013 Feb 21;8(2):e56806. [Full free text]
Prady S, Burch J, Crouch S, MacPherson H. Insufficient evidence to determine the impact of patient preferences on clinical outcomes in acupuncture trials: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2013; 66(3): 308-318. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Richmond S, Bland MJ, Lansdown H, Hopton A, Kang'ombe A, et al. Acupuncture, Counseling, and Usual care for Depression (ACUDep): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2012 Nov 14;13(1):209. [Abstract][Free fulll text]
Asghar AUR, Johnson RL, Woods W, Green GGR, Lewith G and MacPherson H. Oscillatory neuronal dynamics associated with manual acupuncture: a magnetoencephalography study using beamforming analysis. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2012, 6:303. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00303 [Abstract and free full text]
Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, Sherman KJ, Witt CM, Linde K. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2012;172(19):1444-1453. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3654. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Bland JM, Bloor K, Brabyn S, Cox H, Kang’ombe AR, Man M, Stuardi T, Torgerson D, Watt I and Whorwell P. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: primary care based pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Gastroenterology 2012 12:150. [Abstract and free full text]
Stamuli E, Bloor K, MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Stuardi T, Brabyn S, Torgerson D: Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: findings from an economic evaluation conducted alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care. BMC Gastroenterol 2012, 12:149. [Abstract and free full text]
Stuardi T, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients in a Pragmatic Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 18(11):1021-7.[Abstract]
Dean ME, Karsandas R, Bland JM, Gooch D, MacPherson H. Homeopathy for mental fatigue: lessons from a randomized, triple blind, placebo-controlled cross-over clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Oct 1;12(1):167. [Abstract and full free text]
Macfarlane GJ, Paudyal P, Doherty M, Ernst E, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sim J, Jones GT; on behalf of the Arthritis Research UK working group on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of the Rheumatic Diseases. A systematic review of evidence for the effectiveness of practitioner-based complementary and alternative therapies in the management of rheumatic diseases: osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012; 51(12): 2224-2233 [Abstract and full text]
MacPherson H , Hammerschlag R. Acupuncture and the emerging evidence base: contrived controversy and rational debate. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012; 5(4):141-7. [Abstract and full text]
Ambrósio EM, Bloor K, MacPherson H. Costs and consequences of acupuncture as a treatment for chronic pain: a systematic review of economic evaluations conducted alongside randomised controlled trials. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Oct;20(5):364-74. Epub 2012 Jun 6. [Abstract and full text]
Macfarlane GJ, Paudyal P, Doherty M, Ernst E, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sim J, Jones GT; Arthritis Research UK Working Group on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of the Rheumatic Diseases. A systematic review of evidence for the effectiveness of practitioner-based complementary and alternative therapies in the management of rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Sep;51(9):1707-13. [Abstract and full text]
Hopton AK, Curnoe S, Kanaan M, MacPherson H. Acupuncture in practice: mapping the providers, the patients and the settings in a national cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open, 2012: 2: e000456.[Free full text]
Schroer S, Kanaan M, MacPherson H, Adamson J. Acupuncture for depression: exploring model validity and the related issue of credibility in the context of designing a pragmatic trial. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2012; 18;(4): 318-326.[Abstract]
MacPherson H. Assessing Acupuncture: Practical Examples, in Boutron I, Ravaud P, Moher D, (Eds) Randomised Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Treatments. Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series 46, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 387, 2012. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Richmond S, Bland MJ, Lansdown H, Hopton A, Kang'ombe A, et al. Acupuncture, Counseling, and Usual care for Depression (ACUDep): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2012 Nov 14;13(1):209. [Abstract][Free fulll text]
Asghar AUR, Johnson RL, Woods W, Green GGR, Lewith G and MacPherson H. Oscillatory neuronal dynamics associated with manual acupuncture: a magnetoencephalography study using beamforming analysis. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2012, 6:303. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00303 [Abstract and free full text]
Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Foster NE, Sherman KJ, Witt CM, Linde K. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2012;172(19):1444-1453. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3654. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Bland JM, Bloor K, Brabyn S, Cox H, Kang’ombe AR, Man M, Stuardi T, Torgerson D, Watt I and Whorwell P. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: primary care based pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Gastroenterology 2012 12:150. [Abstract and free full text]
Stamuli E, Bloor K, MacPherson H, Tilbrook H, Stuardi T, Brabyn S, Torgerson D: Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: findings from an economic evaluation conducted alongside a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care. BMC Gastroenterol 2012, 12:149. [Abstract and free full text]
Stuardi T, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients in a Pragmatic Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 18(11):1021-7.[Abstract]
Dean ME, Karsandas R, Bland JM, Gooch D, MacPherson H. Homeopathy for mental fatigue: lessons from a randomized, triple blind, placebo-controlled cross-over clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Oct 1;12(1):167. [Abstract and full free text]
Macfarlane GJ, Paudyal P, Doherty M, Ernst E, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sim J, Jones GT; on behalf of the Arthritis Research UK working group on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of the Rheumatic Diseases. A systematic review of evidence for the effectiveness of practitioner-based complementary and alternative therapies in the management of rheumatic diseases: osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012; 51(12): 2224-2233 [Abstract and full text]
MacPherson H , Hammerschlag R. Acupuncture and the emerging evidence base: contrived controversy and rational debate. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2012; 5(4):141-7. [Abstract and full text]
Ambrósio EM, Bloor K, MacPherson H. Costs and consequences of acupuncture as a treatment for chronic pain: a systematic review of economic evaluations conducted alongside randomised controlled trials. Complement Ther Med. 2012 Oct;20(5):364-74. Epub 2012 Jun 6. [Abstract and full text]
Macfarlane GJ, Paudyal P, Doherty M, Ernst E, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Sim J, Jones GT; Arthritis Research UK Working Group on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for the Management of the Rheumatic Diseases. A systematic review of evidence for the effectiveness of practitioner-based complementary and alternative therapies in the management of rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 Sep;51(9):1707-13. [Abstract and full text]
Hopton AK, Curnoe S, Kanaan M, MacPherson H. Acupuncture in practice: mapping the providers, the patients and the settings in a national cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open, 2012: 2: e000456.[Free full text]
Schroer S, Kanaan M, MacPherson H, Adamson J. Acupuncture for depression: exploring model validity and the related issue of credibility in the context of designing a pragmatic trial. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2012; 18;(4): 318-326.[Abstract]
MacPherson H. Assessing Acupuncture: Practical Examples, in Boutron I, Ravaud P, Moher D, (Eds) Randomised Clinical Trials of Nonpharmacological Treatments. Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series 46, Boca Raton, Florida, pp 387, 2012. [Abstract]
Langevin HM, Wayne PM, MacPherson H, Schnyer R, Milley RM, Napadow V, Lao L, Park J, Harris RE, Cohen M, Sherman KJ, Haramati A, Hammerschlag R . Paradoxes in acupuncture research: strategies for moving forward. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011; 2011: 180805.[Free full text]
Hopton AK, MacPherson H. Assessing blinding in randomised controlled trials of acupuncture: challenges and recommendations. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine. 2011;17(3):173-6.[Abstract]
Bell-Syer SEM, Thorpe LN, Thomas K, MacPherson H. GP participation and recruitment of patients to RCTs: lessons from trials of acupuncture and exercise for low back pain in primary care. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011;2011:687349.[Free full text]
Langevin HM, Wayne PM, MacPherson H, Schnyer R, Milley RM, Napadow V, Lao L, Park J, Harris RE, Cohen M, Sherman KJ, Haramati A, Hammerschlag R . Paradoxes in acupuncture research: strategies for moving forward. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011; 2011: 180805.[Free full text]
Hopton AK, MacPherson H. Assessing blinding in randomised controlled trials of acupuncture: challenges and recommendations. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine. 2011;17(3):173-6.[Abstract]
Bell-Syer SEM, Thorpe LN, Thomas K, MacPherson H. GP participation and recruitment of patients to RCTs: lessons from trials of acupuncture and exercise for low back pain in primary care. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011;2011:687349.[Free full text]
Hopton AK, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H. Willingness to try acupuncture again: reports from patients on their treatment reactions in low back pain trial. Acupuncture In Medicine. 2010; 28: 185-188.[Abstract]
Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Victor N, Sherman KJ, Witt C, Linde K, Collaboration AT. Individual patient data meta-analysis of acupuncture for chronic pain: protocol of the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration. Trials, 2010, 11:90.[Full text]
Hewitt CE, Kumaravel B, Dumville JC, Torgerson DJ; Trial attrition study group (Brealey SD, Hay EM, Klaber Moffett JA, MacPherson H, Thomas E, Watson J.) Assessing the impact of attrition in randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010; 63(11):1264-70.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Youping L, Taixiang W, et al. Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT Statement. PLoS Med. 2010; 7(6): e1000261. [Free full Text]
MacPherson H , Jobst KA. Improving the Reporting of Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture: The Updated and Revised STRICTA. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Sep;16(9):929-930. [Full text]
MacPherson H . Towards better reporting of interventions in clinical trials of acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine. 2010, Sep;8(9):801-3. [Full text]
MacPherson H , Bland M, Bloor K, Cox H, Geddes D, Kang'ombe A, Reynolds J, Stamuli E, Stuardi T, Tilbrook H, Torgerson DJ, Whorwell P. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: A protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Gastroenterology. 2010: 10:63. doi:10.1186/1471-230X-10-63.[Free full text]
MacPherson H. Acupuncture for low back pain: A program of pragmatic research. American Acupuncturist. 2010, 51: 16-19
Smith CA, Hay PPJ, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD004046. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004046.pub3. [Full text]
Hopton A, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Is Acupuncture More Effective than a Placebo? A systematic review of pooled data from meta-analyses. Pain Practice. 2010; 10(2): 94-102. [Full text]
Schnyer RN, Harris R, MacPherson H. More about the evidence in evidence-based integrative medicine programs. Acad Med. 2010 Feb;85(2):186-7.[Link to access text]
Asghar AUR, Green G, Lythgoe MF, Lewith G, MacPherson H. Acupuncture needling sensation: The neural correlates of deqi using fMRI. Brain Research. Brain Res. 2010;1315:111-8.[Abstract]
Hopton AK, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H. Willingness to try acupuncture again: reports from patients on their treatment reactions in low back pain trial. Acupuncture In Medicine. 2010; 28: 185-188.[Abstract]
Vickers AJ, Cronin AM, Maschino AC, Lewith G, MacPherson H, Victor N, Sherman KJ, Witt C, Linde K, Collaboration AT. Individual patient data meta-analysis of acupuncture for chronic pain: protocol of the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration. Trials, 2010, 11:90.[Full text]
Hewitt CE, Kumaravel B, Dumville JC, Torgerson DJ; Trial attrition study group (Brealey SD, Hay EM, Klaber Moffett JA, MacPherson H, Thomas E, Watson J.) Assessing the impact of attrition in randomized controlled trials. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010; 63(11):1264-70.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Altman DG, Hammerschlag R, Youping L, Taixiang W, et al. Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): Extending the CONSORT Statement. PLoS Med. 2010; 7(6): e1000261. [Free full Text]
MacPherson H , Jobst KA. Improving the Reporting of Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture: The Updated and Revised STRICTA. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Sep;16(9):929-930. [Full text]
MacPherson H . Towards better reporting of interventions in clinical trials of acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine. 2010, Sep;8(9):801-3. [Full text]
MacPherson H , Bland M, Bloor K, Cox H, Geddes D, Kang'ombe A, Reynolds J, Stamuli E, Stuardi T, Tilbrook H, Torgerson DJ, Whorwell P. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: A protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Gastroenterology. 2010: 10:63. doi:10.1186/1471-230X-10-63.[Free full text]
MacPherson H. Acupuncture for low back pain: A program of pragmatic research. American Acupuncturist. 2010, 51: 16-19
Smith CA, Hay PPJ, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD004046. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004046.pub3. [Full text]
Hopton A, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Is Acupuncture More Effective than a Placebo? A systematic review of pooled data from meta-analyses. Pain Practice. 2010; 10(2): 94-102. [Full text]
Schnyer RN, Harris R, MacPherson H. More about the evidence in evidence-based integrative medicine programs. Acad Med. 2010 Feb;85(2):186-7.[Link to access text]
Asghar AUR, Green G, Lythgoe MF, Lewith G, MacPherson H. Acupuncture needling sensation: The neural correlates of deqi using fMRI. Brain Research. Brain Res. 2010;1315:111-8.[Abstract]
Lansdown H, Howard K, Brealey S, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for pain and osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study for an open parallel-arm randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2009 Oct 24;10:130.[Abstract][Free full Text]
MacPherson H. Keeping the door open: uncertainty about the reliability and efficacy of traditional approaches to acupuncture. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Dec;15(12):1267-8.[Access to text]
MacPherson H , Peters D, Zollman C. Closing the evidence gap in integrative medicine. British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 339: b3335.[Extract]
MacPherson H , Altman DG. Improving the quality of reporting acupuncture interventions: describing the collaboration between STRICTA, CONSORT and the Chinese Cochrane Centre. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. 2009; 2: 57-60.[Full text]
Deadman P, MacPherson H, Maxwell D, Moir F, Scheid V. Chinese medicine in the West 2009. Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2009, 50, 6-18. [Abstract]
Schroer S, MacPherson H, Adamson J, Designing an RCT of acupuncture for depression--identifying appropriate patient groups: a qualitative study. Fam Pract 2009; 26(3): 188-195.[Full text]
Zollman C, MacPherson H. The challenges of interpreting and applying the evidence for CAM and Integrated Medicine. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 2009; 6(1): 16-21.[Link to journal]
Schroer S, MacPherson H. Acupuncture, or non-directive counselling versus usual care for the treatment of depression: a pilot study. Trials, 2009; 10:3 [Free full Text - Open Access]
Lansdown H, Howard K, Brealey S, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for pain and osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study for an open parallel-arm randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2009 Oct 24;10:130.[Abstract][Free full Text]
MacPherson H. Keeping the door open: uncertainty about the reliability and efficacy of traditional approaches to acupuncture. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Dec;15(12):1267-8.[Access to text]
MacPherson H , Peters D, Zollman C. Closing the evidence gap in integrative medicine. British Medical Journal, BMJ 2009; 339: b3335.[Extract]
MacPherson H , Altman DG. Improving the quality of reporting acupuncture interventions: describing the collaboration between STRICTA, CONSORT and the Chinese Cochrane Centre. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. 2009; 2: 57-60.[Full text]
Deadman P, MacPherson H, Maxwell D, Moir F, Scheid V. Chinese medicine in the West 2009. Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2009, 50, 6-18. [Abstract]
Schroer S, MacPherson H, Adamson J, Designing an RCT of acupuncture for depression--identifying appropriate patient groups: a qualitative study. Fam Pract 2009; 26(3): 188-195.[Full text]
Zollman C, MacPherson H. The challenges of interpreting and applying the evidence for CAM and Integrated Medicine. Journal of Holistic Healthcare, 2009; 6(1): 16-21.[Link to journal]
Schroer S, MacPherson H. Acupuncture, or non-directive counselling versus usual care for the treatment of depression: a pilot study. Trials, 2009; 10:3 [Free full Text - Open Access]
Preference Collaborative Review Group (Adamson SJ, Bland JM, Hay EM, Johnson RE, Jones GT, Kitchener H, Moffett JA, Macfarlane GJ, MacPherson H, McLean S, Nelson L, Salisbury C, Thomas E, Tilbrook HE, Torgerson DJ). Patients' preferences within randomised trials: systematic review and patient level meta-analysis. British Medical Journal. 2008 Oct 31;337:a1864. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1864. [Abstract]
MacPherson H , Thomas K, Armstrong B, de Valois B, Relton C, Mullinger B, White A, Flower A, Scheid V. Developing research strategies in complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008; 16: 359—362. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Nahin R, Paterson C, Cassidy CM, Lewith GT, and Hammerschlag R, Developments in acupuncture research: big-picture perspectives from the leading edge. Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 2008; 14(7): 883–887. [Abstract]
Schnyer R, Lao L, Hammerschlag R, Wayne P, Langevin HM, Napadow V, Harris R, Park JB, Milley R, Cohen M, MacPherson H. Society for Acupuncture Research: 2007 Conference Report: The status and future of acupuncture research: 10 years post–NIH consensus conference. Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 2008; 14(7): 859–860.
Bell-Syer SEM, Thorpe LN, Thomas K, MacPherson H. GP participation and recruitment of patients to RCTs: lessons from trials of acupuncture and exercise for low back pain in primary care. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2008. doi:10.1093/ecam/nen044.
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Self-help advice as a process integral to traditional acupuncture care: implications for trial design. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008; 16(2):101-6. [Abstract]
Reynolds JA, Bland JM, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome an exploratory randomised controlled trial. Acupuncture in Medicine 2008; 26(1):8-16.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Green G, Nevado A, Lythgoe MF, Lewith G, Devlin R, Haselfoot R, Asghar AUR. Brain imaging of acupuncture: Comparing superficial with deep needling. Neuroscience Letters, 2008 434(1): 144-149. [Abstract]
Prady SL, Richmond SJ, Morton VM, MacPherson H. A Systematic Evaluation of the Impact of STRICTA and CONSORT Recommendations on Quality of Reporting for Acupuncture Trials. PLoS ONE 2008;3(2):e1577. [Free full text]
Hopwood V, MacPherson H. Acupuncture Research: Strategies for Clinical Evaluation: Workshop Report, York, July 5–8, 2006. Evidence Based Complement. Altern. Med. 2008; 5(2): 237-240. [Free full text]
Preference Collaborative Review Group (Adamson SJ, Bland JM, Hay EM, Johnson RE, Jones GT, Kitchener H, Moffett JA, Macfarlane GJ, MacPherson H, McLean S, Nelson L, Salisbury C, Thomas E, Tilbrook HE, Torgerson DJ). Patients' preferences within randomised trials: systematic review and patient level meta-analysis. British Medical Journal. 2008 Oct 31;337:a1864. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1864. [Abstract]
MacPherson H , Thomas K, Armstrong B, de Valois B, Relton C, Mullinger B, White A, Flower A, Scheid V. Developing research strategies in complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008; 16: 359—362. [Abstract]
MacPherson H, Nahin R, Paterson C, Cassidy CM, Lewith GT, and Hammerschlag R, Developments in acupuncture research: big-picture perspectives from the leading edge. Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 2008; 14(7): 883–887. [Abstract]
Schnyer R, Lao L, Hammerschlag R, Wayne P, Langevin HM, Napadow V, Harris R, Park JB, Milley R, Cohen M, MacPherson H. Society for Acupuncture Research: 2007 Conference Report: The status and future of acupuncture research: 10 years post–NIH consensus conference. Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 2008; 14(7): 859–860.
Bell-Syer SEM, Thorpe LN, Thomas K, MacPherson H. GP participation and recruitment of patients to RCTs: lessons from trials of acupuncture and exercise for low back pain in primary care. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2008. doi:10.1093/ecam/nen044.
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Self-help advice as a process integral to traditional acupuncture care: implications for trial design. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2008; 16(2):101-6. [Abstract]
Reynolds JA, Bland JM, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome an exploratory randomised controlled trial. Acupuncture in Medicine 2008; 26(1):8-16.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Green G, Nevado A, Lythgoe MF, Lewith G, Devlin R, Haselfoot R, Asghar AUR. Brain imaging of acupuncture: Comparing superficial with deep needling. Neuroscience Letters, 2008 434(1): 144-149. [Abstract]
Prady SL, Richmond SJ, Morton VM, MacPherson H. A Systematic Evaluation of the Impact of STRICTA and CONSORT Recommendations on Quality of Reporting for Acupuncture Trials. PLoS ONE 2008;3(2):e1577. [Free full text]
Hopwood V, MacPherson H. Acupuncture Research: Strategies for Clinical Evaluation: Workshop Report, York, July 5–8, 2006. Evidence Based Complement. Altern. Med. 2008; 5(2): 237-240. [Free full text]
MacPherson H . Acupuncture for hypertension: a tale of two trials. From the perspective of the acupuncturist. Forsch Komplement Med 2007; 14(6):371-3.
Prady SL, Thomas K, Esmonde L, Crouch S, MacPherson H. The natural history of back pain after a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture vs usual care - long term outcomes. Acupunct Med. 2007; 25(4):121-9.
Prady SL, MacPherson H. Assessing the Utility of the Standards for Reporting Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): A Survey of Authors. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2007, 13(9): 939-944. [Full text]
Fonnebo¸ V, Grimsgaard S, Walach H, Ritenbaugh C, Norheim AJ, MacPherson H, Lewith G, Launso¸ L, Koithan M, Falkenberg T, Boon H, Aickin M. Researching complementary and alternative treatments--the gatekeepers are not at home. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2007; 11(7):7. [Free full text]
MacPherson H , Dumville JC. Acupuncture as a potential treatment for non-cardiac chest pain – a survey. Acupuncture in Medicine 2007;25(1-2):18-21.
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Traditional acupuncture for low back pain: developing high quality evidence while maintaining the integrity of the intervention. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2007. 5(4): 26-30.
Dumville JC, MacPherson H, Griffith K, Miles JN, Lewin RJ. Non-cardiac chest pain: a retrospective cohort study of patients who attended a Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. Family Practice, 2007; 24(2):152-7.
MacPherson H , Schroer S. Acupuncture as a complex intervention for depression: a consensus method to develop a standardised treatment protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2007; 15(2): 92-100. [Abstract]
Boon H, MacPherson H, Fleishman S, Grimsgaard S, Koithan M, Norheim AJ, and Walach H. Evaluating complex healthcare systems: a critique of four approaches. Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2007 4: 279-285. [Full text]
MacPherson H . Acupuncture ad traditional Chinese medicine: researching the practice. Article in Thieme Almanac: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. 2007, pp43-48.
MacPherson H . Acupuncture for hypertension: a tale of two trials. From the perspective of the acupuncturist. Forsch Komplement Med 2007; 14(6):371-3.
Prady SL, Thomas K, Esmonde L, Crouch S, MacPherson H. The natural history of back pain after a randomised controlled trial of acupuncture vs usual care - long term outcomes. Acupunct Med. 2007; 25(4):121-9.
Prady SL, MacPherson H. Assessing the Utility of the Standards for Reporting Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA): A Survey of Authors. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2007, 13(9): 939-944. [Full text]
Fonnebo¸ V, Grimsgaard S, Walach H, Ritenbaugh C, Norheim AJ, MacPherson H, Lewith G, Launso¸ L, Koithan M, Falkenberg T, Boon H, Aickin M. Researching complementary and alternative treatments--the gatekeepers are not at home. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2007; 11(7):7. [Free full text]
MacPherson H , Dumville JC. Acupuncture as a potential treatment for non-cardiac chest pain – a survey. Acupuncture in Medicine 2007;25(1-2):18-21.
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Traditional acupuncture for low back pain: developing high quality evidence while maintaining the integrity of the intervention. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2007. 5(4): 26-30.
Dumville JC, MacPherson H, Griffith K, Miles JN, Lewin RJ. Non-cardiac chest pain: a retrospective cohort study of patients who attended a Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. Family Practice, 2007; 24(2):152-7.
MacPherson H , Schroer S. Acupuncture as a complex intervention for depression: a consensus method to develop a standardised treatment protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2007; 15(2): 92-100. [Abstract]
Boon H, MacPherson H, Fleishman S, Grimsgaard S, Koithan M, Norheim AJ, and Walach H. Evaluating complex healthcare systems: a critique of four approaches. Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2007 4: 279-285. [Full text]
MacPherson H . Acupuncture ad traditional Chinese medicine: researching the practice. Article in Thieme Almanac: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine. 2007, pp43-48.
Price S, Mercer SW, MacPherson H. Practitioner empathy, patient enablement and health outcomes: a prospective study of acupuncture patients. Patient Education and Counselling. 2006, 63(1-2): 239-245.
Salter GC, Roman M, Bland JM, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for chronic neck pain: a pilot for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2006 Dec 9;7(1):99. [Free full text]
MacPherson H , Thorpe L, Thomas KJ. Beyond needling - therapeutic processes in acupuncture care: a qualitative study nested within low back pain trial. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 2006; 12(9): 873-880.
MacPherson H . Acupuncture research: time to shift from theoretical to practical questions. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 2006; 12(9): 837-39.
Ratcliffe J, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Brazier J. A randomised controlled trial of acupuncture care for lower back pain: cost effectiveness analysis. British Medical Journal, 2006; 333: 626-628.[Full free text]
Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Thorpe L, et al. Randomised controlled trial of a short course of traditional acupuncture compared to usual care for persistent low back pain. British Medical Journal, 2006; 333: 623-626.[Full free text]
MacPherson H , Asghar A. Acupuncture needle sensations associated with De Qi: a classification based on expert's ratings. J Alt Comp Medicine. 2006; 12(7): 633-7.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Liu B. What patients report on adverse reactions to prescribed Chinese herbal medicine. RCHM Journal. 2006, March, 33-37.
M acPherson H, Sinclair-Lian N, Thomas K. Profiles of acupuncture patients: a national survey. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2006; 14(1): 20-30.
Jackson A, MacPherson H, Hahn S. Acupuncture for tinnitus: a series of six n=1 trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2006; 14(1): 39-46
Price S, Mercer SW, MacPherson H. Practitioner empathy, patient enablement and health outcomes: a prospective study of acupuncture patients. Patient Education and Counselling. 2006, 63(1-2): 239-245.
Salter GC, Roman M, Bland JM, MacPherson H. Acupuncture for chronic neck pain: a pilot for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2006 Dec 9;7(1):99. [Free full text]
MacPherson H , Thorpe L, Thomas KJ. Beyond needling - therapeutic processes in acupuncture care: a qualitative study nested within low back pain trial. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 2006; 12(9): 873-880.
MacPherson H . Acupuncture research: time to shift from theoretical to practical questions. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 2006; 12(9): 837-39.
Ratcliffe J, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Brazier J. A randomised controlled trial of acupuncture care for lower back pain: cost effectiveness analysis. British Medical Journal, 2006; 333: 626-628.[Full free text]
Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Thorpe L, et al. Randomised controlled trial of a short course of traditional acupuncture compared to usual care for persistent low back pain. British Medical Journal, 2006; 333: 623-626.[Full free text]
MacPherson H , Asghar A. Acupuncture needle sensations associated with De Qi: a classification based on expert's ratings. J Alt Comp Medicine. 2006; 12(7): 633-7.[Abstract]
MacPherson H , Liu B. What patients report on adverse reactions to prescribed Chinese herbal medicine. RCHM Journal. 2006, March, 33-37.
M acPherson H, Sinclair-Lian N, Thomas K. Profiles of acupuncture patients: a national survey. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2006; 14(1): 20-30.
Jackson A, MacPherson H, Hahn S. Acupuncture for tinnitus: a series of six n=1 trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2006; 14(1): 39-46
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Cost-effectiveness of CAM: pragmatic trials are good science. British Medical Journal, 21st Nov 2005; 331(7523):1024. (electronic letter)
MacPherson H , Thomas KJ. Short-term reactions to acupuncture: a cross-sectional survey of patient reports. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2005; 23(3): 112-120.
Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Brazier J, Fitter M, Campbell M, Roman M, Morgan A, Walters S, Nicholl JP. Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture care to patients with chronic low back pain. Health Technology Assessment, 2005; 9(32); 1-109.[Executive summary] [Full text]
MacPherson H . Strengthening the case that acupuncture is safe in competent hands. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2005; (1): 60-73.
MacPherson H , Liu B. "The safety of Chinese herbal medicine: a pilot for a national survey." Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2005; 11(4): 617-626.
MacPherson H . "Evidence-based acupuncture - a challenge ahead." Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity, 2005; 1(1): 149-161.
MacPherson H , Thomas K. Cost-effectiveness of CAM: pragmatic trials are good science. British Medical Journal, 21st Nov 2005; 331(7523):1024. (electronic letter)
MacPherson H , Thomas KJ. Short-term reactions to acupuncture: a cross-sectional survey of patient reports. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2005; 23(3): 112-120.
Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Brazier J, Fitter M, Campbell M, Roman M, Morgan A, Walters S, Nicholl JP. Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture care to patients with chronic low back pain. Health Technology Assessment, 2005; 9(32); 1-109.[Executive summary] [Full text]
MacPherson H . Strengthening the case that acupuncture is safe in competent hands. European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2005; (1): 60-73.
MacPherson H , Liu B. "The safety of Chinese herbal medicine: a pilot for a national survey." Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2005; 11(4): 617-626.
MacPherson H . "Evidence-based acupuncture - a challenge ahead." Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity, 2005; 1(1): 149-161.
2004 and before
MacPherson H , Thorpe L, Thomas K, Geddes D. "Acupuncture for depression: first steps in a clinical evaluation." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2004; 10(6): 1083-1091.[Abstract]
MacPherson H . "Pragmatic clinical trials". Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2004; 12: 134-140
MacPherson H, Scullion T, Thomas K, Walters S. “Patient reports of adverse events associated with acupuncture: a large scale prospective survey.” Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2004; 13: 349-355
MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Thomas KJ, Campbell M. “Acupuncture for low back pain: traditional diagnosis and treatment of 148 patients in a clinical trial.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2004; 12(1): 38-44.
MacPherson H , Mercer S, Scullion T, Thomas K. “Empathy, enablement and outcome: an exploratory study of acupuncture patients’ perceptions.” J Alt Comp Medicine. 2003; 9(6): 869-76
Lipman L, Dale J, MacPherson H. “Attitudes of GPs towards the provision of acupuncture on the NHS.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2003; 11(2): 110-4.
MacPherson H , Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. “How safe is acupuncture?” CAM Journal. 2002; 7:14-22.
MacPherson H, Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. “Safety in numbers. What practitioners reported about adverse events and treatment reactions following 34,000 acupuncture sessions” European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(6): 13-22.
MacPherson H , Hougham P. “What should we say to our patients about the safety of acupuncture?” British Acupuncture Council News. 2002; 7(1): 15-16.
MacPherson H , Sherman K, Hammerschlag R, Birch S, Lao L, Zaslawski C. "The clinical evaluation of traditional East Asian systems of medicine." Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(1): 16-19
Sherman K, Lao L, Hopwood V, Kawahita K, MacPherson H, et al. "Matching acupuncture clinical study designs to research questions." Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(1): 12-15
MacPherson H, White A, Cummings M, Jobst K, Rose K, Niemtzow, R. “Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of acupuncture – the STRICTA recommendations.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2001; 9(4): 246-9. [Full text pdf] {Also published in J Altern Complement Med. 2002; 8(1): 85-9 [Full Text pdf]; Acupuncture in Medicine. 2002; 20(1): 22-5 [Full text pdf]; Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 2002; 3(1): 6-9 [Full text pdf]; and Medical Acupuncture. 2002; 13(3): 9-11.}
White A, Cummings M, Hopwood V, MacPherson H. "Informed consent for acupuncture: an information leaflet developed by consensus." Acupuncture in Medicine. 2001 19(2):123-9.
MacPherson H , Thomas K, Walters S, Fitter M. "A prospective survey of adverse events and treatment reactions following 34,000 consultations with professional acupuncturists." Acupuncture in Medicine. 2001; 19(2): 93-102.
Thorpe L, Thomas K, Fitter M, Brazier J, MacPherson H, Campbell M, Nicholl J, Morgan A, Roman M. "Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture to patients with chronic low back pain assessed as suitable for primary care management." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2001; 55 (Supp. 1): A53.
MacPherson H, Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. "The York Safety Study: a prospective survey of 34,000 treatments by traditional acupuncturists". British Medical Journal 2001; 323: 486-487.
MacPherson H. “Workshop report: Acupuncture and science – fundamental contradiction or creative tension.” Complement Ther Med. 2001 9(2): 122.
Gould AJ, MacPherson H. “Patient perspectives on outcomes following treatment with acupuncture.” Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2001; 7(3): 261-8.
Riviere K, MacPherson H. “The acupuncture and science debate: highlights of the joint British Acupuncture Council and Exeter University workshop.” British Acupuncture Council News 2001; 6(2): 10-11.
MacPherson H. ”Making research our own: positive steps in a challenging environment.” British Acupuncture News 2001; 5(6): 16-18.
MacPherson H, Lewith GT, 2001 “On the reporting of adverse events following acupuncture.” Physiotherapy Journal 2001; 87(1): 21-24.
MacPherson H. “Pragmatic research: with a focus on low back pain.” Journal of Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, 2000; October; 29-32.
MacPherson H. “Out of the laboratory and into the clinic: acupuncture research in the real world.” International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 2000; 1(2): 97-100.
Wheeler J, MacPherson H. “Towards a research strategy for the acupuncture profession: a discussion document.” British Acupuncture Council News, 2000; 5(2): 8-14.
MacPherson H. “The York Back Pain Trial: should GPs offer patients with back pain the option of a referral to a traditional acupuncturist?” British Acupuncture Council News. 1999; 4(3): 6-8.
MacPherson H. "How safe is acupuncture? Developing the evidence on risk." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 1999; 5(3): 223-224.
Thomas KJ, Fitter M, Brazier J, MacPherson H, Campbell M, Nicholl JP, Roman M. "Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture to patients with chronic low back pain assessed as suitable for primary care management." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1999; 7(2): 91-100.
MacPherson H , Gould AJ, Fitter M. "Acupuncture for low back pain: results of a pilot study for a randomised controlled trial." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1999; 7(2): 83-90.
MacPherson H. “Evidence-based traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture and asthma.” Proceedings of Moving With The Sun Conference, 1999, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
MacPherson H . "Fatal and adverse events from acupuncture: allegation, evidence and the implications." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 1999; 5(1): 47-56. [Abstract]
MacPherson H . "How safe is acupuncture? Setting the record straight." Caduceus 1998; 42: 37-39.
MacPherson H . "Acupuncture and higher education." British Acupuncture Council Newsletter. 1998; 3(4): 8-9.
MacPherson H , Gould A. "Grasping the nettle: a response to reports of adverse events from acupuncture." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1998; 2(5): 19-26.
MacPherson H & Fitter M, "Factors that influence outcome: an evaluation of change with acupuncture." Acupuncture in Medicine. 1998; 16(1): 33-39.
MacPherson H . "A steep learning curve: the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board seven years on." British Acupuncture Council Newsletter. 1998; 3(1): 10-11.
MacPherson H, Kaptchuk TJ, Eds. "Acupuncture in practice: case history insights from the West." Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 1997, pp482. (Also published in Italian, German and Portuguese.)
MacPherson H , Blackwell R. "A Master’s degree in acupuncture: a landmark for the profession." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1996; 4(3): 190-192.
MacPherson H, Fitter M. "An agenda for acupuncture research: the work of the Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1996; 4(2): 124-126.
MacPherson H. "Great talents ripen late: continuing education and the acupuncture profession." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1995; 1(6): 35-39.
Fitter M, MacPherson H. "An audit of case studies of low back pain: a feasibility study for a controlled trial." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1995; 1(5): 46-55.
MacPherson H. "Body palpation and diagnosis." Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1994; 44: 5-12.
MacPherson H, Blackwell R. "Rheumatoid arthritis and Chinese medicine - a review." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1994; 1(3): 17-29.
MacPherson H. "The path to mastery - a case for supervision". European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1993; 1(2): 6-11. (Reprinted in the USA in the Journal of the National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 1995.)
Blackwell R, MacPherson H. "Multiple sclerosis - staging and patient management." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1993; 42: 5-12. (Also published in French in Medicine Chinoise & Medicine Orientales 1994; No 9.)
MacPherson H . "The treatment of prostate disorders." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1993 41:5-9.
MacPherson H , Blackwell R. "Tired out - approaches to tiredness and fatigue". Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 40: 13-20.
Blackwell R, MacPherson H. "Bright eyes - the treatment of eye diseases by acupuncture." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 39: 5-12.
MacPherson H . "The treatment of neck and upper back pain with acupuncture". Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 38:22-26.
MacPherson H , Thorpe L, Thomas K, Geddes D. "Acupuncture for depression: first steps in a clinical evaluation." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2004; 10(6): 1083-1091.[Abstract]
MacPherson H . "Pragmatic clinical trials". Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2004; 12: 134-140
MacPherson H, Scullion T, Thomas K, Walters S. “Patient reports of adverse events associated with acupuncture: a large scale prospective survey.” Quality & Safety in Health Care. 2004; 13: 349-355
MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Thomas KJ, Campbell M. “Acupuncture for low back pain: traditional diagnosis and treatment of 148 patients in a clinical trial.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2004; 12(1): 38-44.
MacPherson H , Mercer S, Scullion T, Thomas K. “Empathy, enablement and outcome: an exploratory study of acupuncture patients’ perceptions.” J Alt Comp Medicine. 2003; 9(6): 869-76
Lipman L, Dale J, MacPherson H. “Attitudes of GPs towards the provision of acupuncture on the NHS.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2003; 11(2): 110-4.
MacPherson H , Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. “How safe is acupuncture?” CAM Journal. 2002; 7:14-22.
MacPherson H, Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. “Safety in numbers. What practitioners reported about adverse events and treatment reactions following 34,000 acupuncture sessions” European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(6): 13-22.
MacPherson H , Hougham P. “What should we say to our patients about the safety of acupuncture?” British Acupuncture Council News. 2002; 7(1): 15-16.
MacPherson H , Sherman K, Hammerschlag R, Birch S, Lao L, Zaslawski C. "The clinical evaluation of traditional East Asian systems of medicine." Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(1): 16-19
Sherman K, Lao L, Hopwood V, Kawahita K, MacPherson H, et al. "Matching acupuncture clinical study designs to research questions." Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. 2002; 3(1): 12-15
MacPherson H, White A, Cummings M, Jobst K, Rose K, Niemtzow, R. “Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of acupuncture – the STRICTA recommendations.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2001; 9(4): 246-9. [Full text pdf] {Also published in J Altern Complement Med. 2002; 8(1): 85-9 [Full Text pdf]; Acupuncture in Medicine. 2002; 20(1): 22-5 [Full text pdf]; Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine 2002; 3(1): 6-9 [Full text pdf]; and Medical Acupuncture. 2002; 13(3): 9-11.}
White A, Cummings M, Hopwood V, MacPherson H. "Informed consent for acupuncture: an information leaflet developed by consensus." Acupuncture in Medicine. 2001 19(2):123-9.
MacPherson H , Thomas K, Walters S, Fitter M. "A prospective survey of adverse events and treatment reactions following 34,000 consultations with professional acupuncturists." Acupuncture in Medicine. 2001; 19(2): 93-102.
Thorpe L, Thomas K, Fitter M, Brazier J, MacPherson H, Campbell M, Nicholl J, Morgan A, Roman M. "Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture to patients with chronic low back pain assessed as suitable for primary care management." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2001; 55 (Supp. 1): A53.
MacPherson H, Thomas KJ, Walters S, Fitter M. "The York Safety Study: a prospective survey of 34,000 treatments by traditional acupuncturists". British Medical Journal 2001; 323: 486-487.
MacPherson H. “Workshop report: Acupuncture and science – fundamental contradiction or creative tension.” Complement Ther Med. 2001 9(2): 122.
Gould AJ, MacPherson H. “Patient perspectives on outcomes following treatment with acupuncture.” Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 2001; 7(3): 261-8.
Riviere K, MacPherson H. “The acupuncture and science debate: highlights of the joint British Acupuncture Council and Exeter University workshop.” British Acupuncture Council News 2001; 6(2): 10-11.
MacPherson H. ”Making research our own: positive steps in a challenging environment.” British Acupuncture News 2001; 5(6): 16-18.
MacPherson H, Lewith GT, 2001 “On the reporting of adverse events following acupuncture.” Physiotherapy Journal 2001; 87(1): 21-24.
MacPherson H. “Pragmatic research: with a focus on low back pain.” Journal of Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, 2000; October; 29-32.
MacPherson H. “Out of the laboratory and into the clinic: acupuncture research in the real world.” International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 2000; 1(2): 97-100.
Wheeler J, MacPherson H. “Towards a research strategy for the acupuncture profession: a discussion document.” British Acupuncture Council News, 2000; 5(2): 8-14.
MacPherson H. “The York Back Pain Trial: should GPs offer patients with back pain the option of a referral to a traditional acupuncturist?” British Acupuncture Council News. 1999; 4(3): 6-8.
MacPherson H. "How safe is acupuncture? Developing the evidence on risk." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 1999; 5(3): 223-224.
Thomas KJ, Fitter M, Brazier J, MacPherson H, Campbell M, Nicholl JP, Roman M. "Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture to patients with chronic low back pain assessed as suitable for primary care management." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1999; 7(2): 91-100.
MacPherson H , Gould AJ, Fitter M. "Acupuncture for low back pain: results of a pilot study for a randomised controlled trial." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1999; 7(2): 83-90.
MacPherson H. “Evidence-based traditional Chinese medicine: acupuncture and asthma.” Proceedings of Moving With The Sun Conference, 1999, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
MacPherson H . "Fatal and adverse events from acupuncture: allegation, evidence and the implications." Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. 1999; 5(1): 47-56. [Abstract]
MacPherson H . "How safe is acupuncture? Setting the record straight." Caduceus 1998; 42: 37-39.
MacPherson H . "Acupuncture and higher education." British Acupuncture Council Newsletter. 1998; 3(4): 8-9.
MacPherson H , Gould A. "Grasping the nettle: a response to reports of adverse events from acupuncture." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1998; 2(5): 19-26.
MacPherson H & Fitter M, "Factors that influence outcome: an evaluation of change with acupuncture." Acupuncture in Medicine. 1998; 16(1): 33-39.
MacPherson H . "A steep learning curve: the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board seven years on." British Acupuncture Council Newsletter. 1998; 3(1): 10-11.
MacPherson H, Kaptchuk TJ, Eds. "Acupuncture in practice: case history insights from the West." Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 1997, pp482. (Also published in Italian, German and Portuguese.)
MacPherson H , Blackwell R. "A Master’s degree in acupuncture: a landmark for the profession." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1996; 4(3): 190-192.
MacPherson H, Fitter M. "An agenda for acupuncture research: the work of the Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 1996; 4(2): 124-126.
MacPherson H. "Great talents ripen late: continuing education and the acupuncture profession." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1995; 1(6): 35-39.
Fitter M, MacPherson H. "An audit of case studies of low back pain: a feasibility study for a controlled trial." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1995; 1(5): 46-55.
MacPherson H. "Body palpation and diagnosis." Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1994; 44: 5-12.
MacPherson H, Blackwell R. "Rheumatoid arthritis and Chinese medicine - a review." European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1994; 1(3): 17-29.
MacPherson H. "The path to mastery - a case for supervision". European Journal of Oriental Medicine. 1993; 1(2): 6-11. (Reprinted in the USA in the Journal of the National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, 1995.)
Blackwell R, MacPherson H. "Multiple sclerosis - staging and patient management." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1993; 42: 5-12. (Also published in French in Medicine Chinoise & Medicine Orientales 1994; No 9.)
MacPherson H . "The treatment of prostate disorders." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1993 41:5-9.
MacPherson H , Blackwell R. "Tired out - approaches to tiredness and fatigue". Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 40: 13-20.
Blackwell R, MacPherson H. "Bright eyes - the treatment of eye diseases by acupuncture." Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 39: 5-12.
MacPherson H . "The treatment of neck and upper back pain with acupuncture". Journal of Chinese Medicine. 1992; 38:22-26.